Manned Up Conversations
Manned Up Conversations invites men from all backgrounds to join our growing community of open-minded individuals seeking personal growth and emotional empowerment. Together, we can embark on this journey of self-discovery, cultivate self acceptance and create a more compassionate and understanding world for men everywhere.
Manned Up Conversations
Understanding Male Psychology with Angelo De Boni
In this episode we get to grips with men's psychology by highlighting how men respond to scarcity and lack of opportunities in an unbalanced society like South Africa.
We discuss how the female dominated counselling and therapy industry has somehow overlooked and misunderstood the male lived experience and how we can create space for men to connect with each other, Angelo shares an interesting idea on what leads men to go rogue and choose to isolate themselves because of the backlash and negative language associated with male behaviour. We close off by unpacking the perceived gender gap between teenage boys and girls in South Africa.
Vincent is a South African independent registered professional counselor with HPCSA and now based in Sweden. He is a passionate creative, who has chosen psychology to find expression for his view of the post-Aparthied South Africa and the problems faced by men in a post-conflict era. For three decades he has reflected his ideas through his art and is now finding a voice through the useful constructs of modern psychology. Vincent is married with no children by choice but is conscientious of the world that adolescents are seeing. You can engage with Vincent on twitter.
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Read Angelo's Articles:
Will Men Survive the new South Africa?
The Rogue Male Default
South Africa is a CRT State
Connect with Angelo Vincenzo De Boni:
Twitter: @VincentPsychSA
Hope you are enjoying the conversation so far.
Remember to take note of things that stand out to you while listening and take a moment to reflect in your own time or discuss this with some friends over some drinks, a meal or relaxing activity of your choice.
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